Note: This site is now defunct. Please visit For The Girls Instead!
Waxed Chests
I've waxed my share of chests
in my time, back when I was an assistant at a beauty parlour. Sure,
the majority of them were women with hairy nipples, but I had a go
at a few confirmed bachelors.
Indeed, I performed one of my
first full-body/Brazilian waxes on one of these gay blades. I wasn't
entirely sure how to perform the task, so I just poured the bottle
of wax all over him and grabbed a tablecloth. It was as easy as
doing that Italian trick where you remove the cloth from the table
without moving any of the plates.
I just pulled, and there was
this sssrrreeiiiicckkk sound, and then he was hopping around yelling
some kind of Indian mantra and his skin went a lovely shade of fuchsia,
just like the roses at the bottom of my garden. Left an awful mess
on the tablecloth, took 3 days of soaking to get the mess out, but
the man was perfectly smooth. I believe he went on to stardom with a
passing acrobatic circus.
In any case, women seem to
have a thing for the smooth, muscled chest nowadays. If you're into
that kind of thing, you can do worse than Just
for Ladies. I don't think I've ever seen so many impressive
chests in one gallery.
Aside from the naked men and
sex photos, this site has decided to go for what a woman really
wants - good shopping. It's got a shopping portal, as well as news
and weather, and personal services, which makes for a far more
interesting site than say...
Trial is $2.95... I like the tour,
it reminds me of Fenwick when he was having one of his funny turns
and insisted on performing cunnilingus in public.
Note: This site is now defunct. Please visit For The Girls Instead!
Hello My Dears!
Are you ready to get wet?
I had just
started the raglan sleeves on my Simplicity Triple-Necked Checked Jumpsuit
with matching gumboots when Fenwick arrived home from Bowls. I
didn't notice the look in his eye, nor the way his bowling whites were
bulging in a way that strangely resembled the time he'd put the jack down
there after 6 pints at the bar. Nor did I notice the fabulous bunch of red
roses he'd bought from Nancy the florist for only $9 because they were
half dead. This was because I was midway through a difficult
knit-one-purl-three-hundred manoeuvre that took up most of my
attention. What did finally cause me to look up was the way that
Fenwick didn't shout "Where's me dinner then, duck?" like he
always does. I knew that if that happened, he was either dead, or
the Viagra had kicked in and I was up for an evening of lurve.
I carefully
packed the knitting away as Fenwick cranked up the old His Masters Voice
with our favourite Burt Bacharach record. Soon we were dancing by
candlelight, but only because Fenwick had blown a fuse when he cranked
Burt one too many times and the electricity had refused to join in the
He held me close
as we swayed to the silence, and before you could say "rat
testicles" his hand was creeping its way under my housecoat.
Then it was creeping its way under my pantyhose, around the super-strength
girdle, across the control gusset, until it passed the barrier of my
starched white cottontails. I shivered and nibbled his not-unhairy
earlobe, brushing my hand through what was left of his hair.
sweet nothings," I sighed. Soon Fenwick was telling me about the way
lawn mowers just don't work like they used to, in a soft, luxurious voice.
I could feel his manhood jutting its way through his double bleached
trousers, and reached down to unzip and release him. Then the zipper got
caught on the surrounding material and I had no choice but to kneel down
and rip his pants open with my teeth. This was no mean feat
considering I was wearing my best dentures at the time, but it still
served to inflame Fenwick further than the Viagra had already done.
He grandly swept
me into his arms and promptly put me back down again, lest he slip a disk,
and we proceeded together to the bedroom...
What? Don't you like this? Well,
fine, here are some sites with stories you might prefer. Go on, go. See if
I care.
There are plenty of stories at Adult Verifier, which you can reach
through my Naughty Bits section.
Dorm at Womens Porno
My sweetikins,
I think you'll like the Dude Dorm. I know I did. They've put 12 guys
in one house and put 12 webcams on them at all times.
Members can log
in a watch them go about their daily business - in the shower, in
the toilet, in bed. Frankly I found the most fascinating part was
when they did the housework. Imagine it - men actually cleaning the
house!! I was flabbergasted. I had quite a funny turn watching one
of them do the dusting. Who'd have thought a man would do such a
Of course, the
other members were far more interested in looking at them naked, and
chatting to them online. I watched a young whippersnapper called
Jason fondle his rather large and bendy penis in front of a chat
audience of 80 people, many of whom seemed to be having the same hot
flushes as me. Their typing went all funny just as the young man had
an orgasm...
In any case, I
recommend this site, just for when they polish the silver.
You can watch
everything that happens in the Live Dude Dorm at Womens
Note: This site is now defunct. Please visit For The Girls Instead!
Silly Ad Corner

sites can really wander off into silly territory when it comes to
what makes women orgasm. Here's a prime example. Nothing like
shagging a splintery pole to get you off. Strangely enough, Kara's
has long been a favourite of women, and was a female mainstay before
the current crop of women's erotica sites appeared.